Is Café Franchising For You? Find out What it Really Entails - Jamaica Blue Australia
Is Café Franchising For You? Find out What it Really Entails

Is Café Franchising For You? Find out What it Really Entails

Opening a successful café has many perks – being your own boss, establishing a rapport with regular customers, plus the pride and independence of running your own business. For those with an innate love of quality food and coffee, running their own café is a cherished dream.

The Australian coffee industry is booming, but competition is stiff. According to market research group IBISWorld, “barriers to entry in the café industry are low; and therefore do not significantly inhibit new players.” Conversely, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, more than 60% of small businesses cease operations within the first three years of starting.

Managing this risk is why franchising is an attractive prospect for budding entrepreneurs. An established café franchise like Jamaica Blue will be with you every step of the way. Even if you have no experience, the accessible and flexible training that they provide will make sure you’re equipped with the fundamental skills required to give you the confidence to run your very own café.

Perhaps one of the great misconceptions about franchising is that you won’t be able to make your own decisions within the business. On the contrary – Jamaica Blue encourage their franchisees to have autonomy and make decisions appropriate to the local market. You are able to choose a site-specific menu that will work well for your customers and fit with local ingredients and trends.

Franchising with a reputable national outfit like Jamaica Blue also allows you to tap into an established brand. As part of Foodco, one of Australia’s top franchise networks – which has been operating for over 25 years – Jamaica Blue has thoroughly experimented with different techniques and marketing approaches. They know what works.

Being a part of the Jamaica Blue family means that you can tap into that knowledge. So how much does that cost you as a franchisee? After the initial investment in the business, you will pay a Franchise Royalty Fee of 6% of GST-exclusive sales, as well as a Marketing Contribution of 3% of GST-exclusive sales. The national marketing team provides ongoing campaign ideas and comprehensive support to ensure that you have the competitive edge in a busy marketplace.

So, while you will still have the independence to make decisions within your own business, you will have significant support to ensure that you achieve market prominence.

If you’d love to own your own café business and would like to find out more, contact us today.



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