Why Own a Jamaica Blue Café in Western Australia? - Jamaica Blue Australia
Why Own a Jamaica Blue Café in Western Australia?

Why Own a Jamaica Blue Café in Western Australia?

Aside from Jamaica Blue’s™ established business model and highly regarded reputation, owning a Jamaica Blue café business in Western Australia allows you to utilise the state’s increasing economic rate, high wages and high survival rate of small businesses.

Reports from the Department of State Development show that the Gross State Product (GSP) per capita for the year 2014-15 reached a total of $249 billion, making up 15% of the whole of Australia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GSP per capita for Western Australia surpassed the national average by an astonishing 42% showcasing the great economic potential derived from within Western Australia.

In addition to Western Australia’s strong GSP, the state also boasts the second highest average salary for the entirety of Australia. Figures from Living in Australia’s latest report demonstrate that Western Australia falls behind only the country’s capital, ACT, when comparing Australia’s average annual wage. This is great news for Jamaica Blue café business owners in Western Australia, as due to the higher average wage and below average house/rental prices locals are likely to have more disposable income to spend in your café.

With economic figures like this, café owners must be flocking into WA to open up shop from everywhere, right? Wrong. Figures released in the Government of Western Australia’s Small Business Development Corporation report show that the number of Accommodation and Food Services businesses (that employ no more than 20 employees) only increased by 272 in the years 2014-2015. Competition from other small businesses is therefore low and with a trusted name like Jamaica Blue backing you up, you can feel confident in your decision to invest in a Jamaica Blue café in Western Australia.


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