Jazz up your brekky this Easter long weekend if you find you’ve got extra hot cross buns! This sweet little breakfast recipe can be your escape from reality, even if it’s just a moment. It’s sweet, indulgent and an all-round winner!
Hot Cross Bun French Toast – Makes 2 Portions
2 Hot cross buns
4 Eggs
1tbsp Sugar
1tbsp Butter
¾ cup Cream
¼ cup Dark chocolate
- In a mixing bowl, combine the eggs, sugar and ¼ cup of cream together.
- Cut the buns in half and place into the egg mix. Press down to soak.
- Add butter to a fry pan when the butter has melted add the buns. Cook on each side until golden (1 to 2 minutes).
- When the buns are golden on both sides, take of the heat and place on a plate stacked.
- Heat ½ cup of cream in the microwave for 30 seconds or until hot. Add in the chocolate and mix together.
- Pour over the buns and serve with a dust of icing sugar and a strawberry or two.
The recipe makes 2 portions, but if you one to make a stack, no one will stop you ??

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