Which Alternative Milk is Best for You? - Jamaica Blue Australia
Which Alternative Milk is Best for You?

Which Alternative Milk is Best for You?

4 plant-based milks walk into a bar… which one is going home with you?

Our Jamaica Blue cafes are proud to source our high quality alternative milks from MILKLAB, but we know choosing non-dairy milk can be more confusing than a chameleon in a Skittles bag ?, so read on and experiment with a brand new milk (and taste) with your coffee next time you’re in store!


  • One of the most popular milk alternatives due to its light flavour and creaminess, that’s high in protein and low in fat.
  • Almond milk has a high dose of vitamin E, an antioxidant that combats inflammation and stress. It also helps protect against heart disease and cancer, and improves bone, eye, and brain health.
  • It also has a lot of the mineral zinc, which keeps your skin glowing and prevents hair loss.
  • Tastes great in anything with peanut butter, caramel, fig, apple, milk chocolate.


  • If you are looking for a sweeter and creamier plant based milk coconut is your best option!
  • Coconut is one of the best dietary sources of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), miracle fats that help you achieve a healthy weight by increasing metabolism, regulating appetite hormones, and increasing fat oxidation.
  • It’s amazing in hot chocolate (tastes like a Bounty) and pairs well with anything chocolate, breakfast bowls, oats, chia. Anything where you are looking for a ‘hint of tropical’ without being too much!


  • A buttery richness with natural sweetness and creaminess
  • Packed with rich, delicious mono-unsaturated fat, the same type as olive oil and heart-healthy omega-7 only found in cold water fish and sea buckthorn blackberries.
  • Tastes great with menu items that contain raisins, white chocolate, raspberries


  • Contains as much protein as cows milk, very little fat and is a good source of vitamin A, potassium and the elusive vitamin B-12 (hard to find outside of animal sources).
  • Tastes great in a chai latte and anything with chai flavour undertones (cinnamon, cardamom. Cloves, ginger), banana, vanilla, maple syrup

So how about that? Add a little adventure to your day by trying a different milk alternative in your coffee next time you’re in store ☕


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